Music at Beaulieu Awards
The Music at Beaulieu Awards are competitions between young talents to obtain a prize to support their music career.
Sponsored by:
The Montagu Arms Hotel
The Illsley Family Trust
The Beaulieu Beaufort Foundation
The Music at Beaulieu Trust
An anonymous benefactor​​
2024 Winners
Main Award
Main Award 2024- 1st Prize: Emme Hensel, Flute
Junoir Award
Junior Award 2024- 1st Prize
Previous Winners
Who Can Apply?
Applicants must live or be currently in education within the area of the New Forest District Council.
They need to complete the online application below.
Provide 2 written and signed references (Main Award) or 1 written and signed reference (Junior Award) and send them to
Next awards will be run in 2026
Closing date for applications will be beginning of April 2026.
Shortlisted Candidates shall be invited to audition and interview around end of May in Beaulieu Abbey Church.
Candidates shall be notified of the result of the awards within 24hrs.
Selected finalists shall perform in the final Awards Concert with public audience will be around middle of June 2026.
Junior Award
First Prize: £500
Second Prize: £250
Main Award
First Prize: £3,000
Second Prize: £1,000